Why Marefa

Marefa Database is A Leading & Integrated Arab Database of full text & comprehensive metadata that contains around 2,200,000 records including: (academic journals, articles, theses and dissertations, e-books & book reviews, statistical reports, research abstracts, conference proceedings,…etc.) and covering all disciplines & fields.

e-Marefa has the following characteristics:

  • Diversity and Comprehensiveness: e-Marefa database encompasses diverse disciplines and scientific specialties whereas each specialty has its own database.
  • MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data: e-Marefa database utilizes MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data which is automatically read and comprehended between computer systems in the Arab World and globally. Thus it meets the technical requirements for digital libraries.
  • Copyright and intellectual property: Agreements have been signed with around 300 organizations in 19 Arab countries to incorporate their knowledge products (journals, theses, e-Books, reports, etc. in e-Marefa database. These agreements comply with copyright regulations and provide the protection for intellectual property for the publishing authorities that work together with e-Marefa.
  • Reasonable subscription prices: e-Marefa database provides flexible pricing structure to consider needs of all subscribers and offers special discounts for associations or group subscriptions.
  • Modernity:  e-Marefa database covers the most recent years of publication of various academic contents (journals, reports, and others …).
  • Immediate results of relevance:  e-Marefa database provides relevant search results to meet the thematic requirements of researchers in various disciplines of scientific knowledge and in an immediate and rapid manner.
  • Ease of use:  e-Marefa database  has a user interface that provides an easy and highly flexible interactive method of communication between the beneficiary and the system.
  • An integrated content within a single window: e-Marefa database allows its users the ability to navigate in numerous sources of information that provide large, diverse and comprehensive content in a way that guarantees saving time and effort during the search and retrieval process.
  • Access to reliable content at any time: e-Marefa database ensures its users access to valuable and reliable scientific content that is provided directly from its original sources at any time and place and when direct access is required
  • Overall quality:  e-Marefa database is subject to a series of scientific steps and a variety of quality assurance processes that aim to control and guarantee the quality of the content presented to the beneficiaries